Mausoleum of Galla Placidia
Splendid mausoleum in Ravenna center dedicated Roman empress Galla Placidia Elijah was Roman empress, daughter of Emperor Theodosius I (reigned 378-395) and his second wife Galla. Grandson of the Three Emperors, the daughter of an emperor, sister of two emperors, the wife of a king and an emperor, mother of an emperor, aunt of two emperors, the noble Galla Placidia was first hostage at the Visigoths, then their queen; her marriage to King Ataulfo and the birth of their son Theodosius returned to a policy of rapprochement between barbarians and Romans, but the death of the child and that of the king put an end to this possibility.
learn moreBasilica of San Vitale
The Basilica of San Vitale is one of the most famous and important Catholic shrines in Ravenna, exemplary masterpiece of early Christian and Byzantine. The basilica is inserted, since 1996, the list of sites Italian Heritage by UNESCO, within the serial site "Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna." The Basilica of San Vitale is one of Ravenna, is an exemplary masterpiece of early Christian and Byzantine. The basilica is inserted, since 1996, the list of sites Italian Heritage by UNESCO, within the serial site "Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna." Construction was begun by Bishop Ecclesio in 525, Theodoric still living, and completed in 547 by the successor of Ecclesio.
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Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe
The Basilica of St. Apollinaris in Classe is a basilica located about 5 km from the center of Ravenna. It was built in the first half of the sixth century, financed by Giuliano Argentario for Bishop Ursicino; was consecrated in 547 by the first archbishop Maximian and was dedicated to St Apollinaris, the first bishop of Ravenna
The basilica is inserted, since 1996, the list of sites Italian Heritage by UNESCO, within the serial site "Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna.
learn moreThe basilica is inserted, since 1996, the list of sites Italian Heritage by UNESCO, within the serial site "Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna.

Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo
The Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo is a basilica of Ravenna. Founded as a place of worship Aryan, in the sixth century was dedicated to St. Martin of Tours. From the ninth century, the basilica is named today. The term "New" has been given to distinguish it from another church oldest town, called Apollinaris in Veclo. The basilica holds the largest mosaic cycle so far known.
The basilica is inserted, since 1996, the list of sites Italian Heritage by UNESCO, within the serial site "Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna." etc.).
learn moreThe basilica is inserted, since 1996, the list of sites Italian Heritage by UNESCO, within the serial site "Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna." etc.).

Mausoleum of Theodoric
The Mausoleum of Theodoric in Ravenna, is the most famous funerary building of the Ostrogoths. It was built around 520 by Theodoric the Great as his future tomb in Istria stone. The mausoleum is entered, since 1996, the list of sites Italian Heritage by UNESCO, within the serial site "Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna." ll monument was built in an uninhabited area, at the cemetery reserved for Goths. In Byzantine times it was used as a church dedicated to the Virgin Mary by the name of "Santa Maria to Farum", because of the proximity of a port with lighthouse.
Today the tomb is in a park in the immediate vicinity of the center of Ravenna.
learn moreToday the tomb is in a park in the immediate vicinity of the center of Ravenna.

Tomb of Dante
Dante's tomb is a monument erected at the Basilica of St. Francis in the center of Ravenna, the city where the great poet lived the last years of his life and died in 1321.Costruita in the years 1780-81 by the architect Camillo Morigia on commissioned by Cardinal Legate Luigi Valenti Gonzaga and above the tomb erected by the fifteenth-century Venetian mayor of Ravenna Bernardo Bembo, the tomb is in the shape of a square neoclassical temple, crowned by a small dome. Separated from the street by a narrower definition, has a facade outside very simple, with a door surmounted by the crest of the archbishop Cardinal Gonzaga, and on whose lintel is written simply and in Latin: Dantis poetae sepulcrum.
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Baptistery of Neon
The Neoniano, also called the Orthodox, this is a baptistery in Ravenna dating from the fifth century and is named after Bishop Neon that did continue building after its predecessor Bear († c. 396). The name of the Orthodox goes instead understood the meaning of the time, which meant the Christians of the "right" doctrine as opposed to heresy Arian. The baptistery is inserted, since 1996, the list of sites Italian Heritage by UNESCO, within the serial site "Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna"
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Basilica of San Francesco
The Basilica of San Francesco is an important place of Catholic worship in the historic center of Ravenna. The present building dates from the ninth-tenth century, and has been altered several times both inside and out. The current basilica of St. Francis stands in the place of an older church. This was built shortly after the 450 by the bishop of Ravenna Neone and was dedicated to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and so also called the Church of the Apostles. Between the second half of the ninth century and the next century, the building of the fifth century was demolished and replaced by a larger church. At the same time, was also built high bell tower. The new church, called San Pietro Maggiore, passed the Franciscan order in 1261 and, on that occasion, was dedicated to St. Francis of Assisi; in 1321, there were celebrated the funeral of Dante Alighieri.
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Palace of Theodoric
The palace of Theodoric or Theodoric is a palace located in Ravenna, close to Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo. Now reduced to a few ruins, including the facade, its former function is still debated among scholars: an interpretation identifies him as the front part of the church of San Salvatore in casts (destroyed in the early sixteenth century), another associates it to a building for defense for the palace of the exarchs (governors of the city) of the seventh and eighth centuries.
The historical study of the site began after the discovery of some floor mosaics in the nineteenth century.
learn moreThe historical study of the site began after the discovery of some floor mosaics in the nineteenth century.

Pineta of Ravenna
The Pineta di Ravenna is a large lowland forest that stretches north and south of the Channel Candiano (the canal that connects Ravenna to the Adriatic Sea). It is a protected area, part of the Regional Park of the Po Delta. The Pineta di Ravenna dates back to the Roman Empire; was planted to produce timber for boats. The essence is clearly the main botanical pine. In the Middle Ages the Camaldolese monks, became owners of most of the territory between Ravenna and Classe, protected it and kept the local pine forest. Today the area pinewood, due to the intervention of man, has been divided into several pine forests, not touching each other, some close to the coast, others more inside. The total area reaches 2,000 hectares, all included in the municipality of Ravenna.
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Mirabilandia is an amusement park in Emilia-Romagna. It is situated in the hamlet of Savio town of Ravenna.
Address: Highway 16 Adriatica, km 162, 48125 Savio RA
Opening date: July 4, 1992
Phone: 0544 561156
Province: Province of Ravenna
The total area reaches 2,000 hectares, all included in the municipality of Ravenna.
learn moreAddress: Highway 16 Adriatica, km 162, 48125 Savio RA
Opening date: July 4, 1992
Phone: 0544 561156
Province: Province of Ravenna
The total area reaches 2,000 hectares, all included in the municipality of Ravenna.

The Planetarium is a projector that can play on a dome the image of the star visible to the naked eye from all over the world. The instrument, with its complicated mechanical systems, allows showing major celestial motions.
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San Marino
The Serenissima Republic of San Marino, often abbreviated in the Republic of San Marino or simply in San Marino (San Marino in dialect, or Romagnolo southern San Marein or San Maroin), is a country in southern Europe in the center-north of the Italian peninsula on the border between the regions of Emilia-Romagna (Province of Rimini) and Marche (Province of Pesaro and Urbino). Has a territorial extension of 61.19 km² populated by 32 538 inhabitants. [5] It is one of the least populous among the Member States of the Council of Europe and the United Nations. The capital is the City of San Marino
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Cycling routes
Beautiful cycling routes to do by bike or even for Mtb
Alford: Ring Two 54 km cycle path mixed
Alford: ring an 67 km cycle path mixed
Casalborsetti - Oasis Tips Alberete 10 km cycling mixed
Comacchio - Canevie 25 km asphalt road
Comacchio - Valle - Salina - P.Garibaldi (loop) 16 km mixed
Ravenna - Lido di Classe 16 km trail mix
Lido di Classe - mouth of Bevano 4 km pedestrian ground
learn moreAlford: Ring Two 54 km cycle path mixed
Alford: ring an 67 km cycle path mixed
Casalborsetti - Oasis Tips Alberete 10 km cycling mixed
Comacchio - Canevie 25 km asphalt road
Comacchio - Valle - Salina - P.Garibaldi (loop) 16 km mixed
Ravenna - Lido di Classe 16 km trail mix
Lido di Classe - mouth of Bevano 4 km pedestrian ground
Farm Ravenna, Summer swimming pool, Restaurant, Room Service, B & B bed and brekfast. Special offers for stays in Mirabilandia. Locations nearby: Alfonsine, Lugo, Bagnacavallo, Fusignano Argenta, the valleys of Comacchio, Casal Borsetti and Marina Romea. Typical cuisine of Romagna. Excursions by bike or mountain bike through the valleys and pine forests of Ravenna.
The Angelina rent rooms not simple hotel, resort, restaurant near Ravenna, but allinone! A farm where to eat sleep, spend a holiday, just a few days in harmony with nature and relax. The Angelina the ideal place to visit in two days Ravenna or Ferrara the Po delta.
The Angelina rent rooms not simple hotel, resort, restaurant near Ravenna, but allinone! A farm where to eat sleep, spend a holiday, just a few days in harmony with nature and relax. The Angelina the ideal place to visit in two days Ravenna or Ferrara the Po delta.